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Session Details
Terra-Cognita: How can we Accelerate Disaster Resilience Planning with OpenData?
24 November 2020

Murray Journeay, Natural Resources Canada. Terra Cognita
Joost van Ulden, Natural Resources Canada. What are the key principles of an Open Science Platform?
Janice Sharpe, Alexandre Tardif, Federal Geospatial Platform. The Federal Geospatial Platform
Drew Rotheram-Clarke, Joost van Ulden, Natural Resources Canada​​. NRCan OpenDRR Platform
Jamie Herring, Habitat Seven. Overview of user-centric design process
Webinar Format
Interactive Workshop
Presentation & Discussion
Provide an overview of Canada’s Open Data Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction (OpenDRR)
Gain community Input on Access to and Use of OpenDRR for Disaster Resilience Planning
In this session, we explore the potential for using emerging Open Data Platforms to transform the ways in which we access and use risk information to support disaster resilience planning initiatives in Canada. This includes the ways in which we collect and share information across networks of people and organizations to promote a more robust and systematic approach to natural hazard risk assessment; and the ways in which these networks access and use this evolving base of evidence to inform ongoing risk reduction and disaster resilience planning initiatives at all levels of government. At the heart of this work is a user-driven process of iterative design and development that begins with a clear articulation of the information needs and operational requirements for disaster resilience planning in the specific contexts of emergency management, land use decision making and financial planning. The process is guided every step of the way by principles of openness, collaboration and co-development.
Please join us for a hands-on session to share your thoughts and ideas on how we might use these emerging capabilities to accelerate the work you do in the realm of disaster resilience planning.
Convened by Murray Journeay and Joost van Ulden, With Janice Sharpe and Alexandre Tardif, Federal Geospatial Platform
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